3 Free Tools For BlogSpot bloggers

Do you have a blog on BlogSpot? And you find it difficult to use some services that are easily available on WordPress with some plugins.
Well, this happens to most of the BlogSpot bloggers? But I, being a BlogSpot blogger, do not find troubles, thanks to the tools I use.
There are many free tools available online which can really help BlogSpot bloggers in some chores.
Best tools for BlogSpot bloggers
First of all, you should understand the basic difference between Blogspot and WordPress.
When we install a plugin in WordPress, it basically make some changes in the coding of the blog to provide a service. But you can use some other tools and then paste the code in your blog.
All your work is done. This was how you can use tools for your blog if you are a BlogSpot blogger.
Now without wasting any much time, let me tell you about the tools which will change your blogging standard. So keep reading...

Best free keyword research tool

Ubersuggest is a free tool of Neil Patel, a well known digital marketer. It is one of the best free keyword tools. But it is somewhat different from others.
It not only provides the analytics of keywords, but also tells the chances of ranking in top 20 of Google. It also gives suggestions of related keywords with higher search volume and less competition.
So if you are a beginner and do not want to spend money on premium keyword research such as Ahrefs and SEMRush, you can use Ubersuggest.
Now let's see the other tool, which is an email collecting tool.

Hello Bar
Best free tool for collecting emails

It is a free tool for collecting the emails of your blog visitors. Well, collecting emails is very important for bloggers.
Growing your email list should be considered by you. Email list is the treasure of a blogger and a digital marketer. 
You can send the emails regarding your latest blog posts to your viewers.
With Hello Bar, you can create popups or bars with customizable text and themes. Then you can publish it.
When someone subscribe with the Hello Bar, you get the email in your Hello Bar account dashboard.
Note: After you create your Hello Bar account, you have to verify your blog in it by pasting the provided code in the head section of your blog.
Now let's see our next tool, which is a photo designer and editor.

Best tool for creating images

It is a free tool with which you can design and edit pictures and infographics for your blog.
Pictures are very important for any blog, as people like those blog posts more which have pictures then those which don't have.


That's all for now. I hope this post helped you in your blogging and these tools will help you in blogging. If you liked it, then share it on social media. That will make my day. Also, don't forget to subscribe this blog to get useful posts, directly in your inbox.

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